Volunteers are specially trained. They are often involved as members of the hospice team. All volunteers must pass a background check before they begin volunteer service with a hospice. Volunteers are valuable members of the hospice team and may work in patient homes, facilities or on special projects that support the hospice mission.
Volunteers provide:-
- companionship
- practical support such as running errands
- respite care.
- special complimentary services like music, massage or pet therapy
- grief support
Hospices have volunteer coordinators who facilitate training programs. They also coordinate volunteer activities and support volunteers. Hospices are always recruiting new volunteers. Most importantly, many are people who have had their own experience with hospice and want to give back.
If you are interested in becoming a hospice volunteer, please contact your local hospice. Find My Hospice
The Hospice Council of West Virginia has a volunteer committee. This is an active group of volunteer coordinators who support one another. Because this is a unique role and there is often just one volunteer coordinator in WV hospices. For those who are new to the role, mentoring can be invaluable.
For Volunteer Management and Support or Mentoring, contact:
Sherry Thompson sherry.thompson@lhcgroup.com