West Virginia hospices all engage in community outreach to ensure people know about hospice and when to refer. However, the data continue to show that people are less likely to access hospice if they live in a rural area and many people are referred to hospice very late. The Hospice Council of WV’s Quarterly meeting on April 4th in Fairmont will focus on this topic.

The featured speaker is Stan Massey from Transcend Hospice Marketing Group, who will present ‘Branding and Marketing to Families for Increased Hospice Utilization.’ Stan will share research data from surveys of more than 15,000 family healthcare decision makers. He will describe case studies from hospice and palliative care organizations that have implemented strategies based on these findings.

Guided by research, Stan skillfully crafts strategic marketing plans and messages that speak to their target audiences and reap exceptional results. He applies his decades of experience in writing and producing hundreds of TV and radio spots — including a TV spot that aired on the Super Bowl — to tell compelling stories of how hospices can enrich the lives of patients and their families during life’s final months. Stan has worked on marketing strategies and campaigns for more than 40 hospice organizations coast to coast.
Members of the Hospice Council look forward to Stan’s presentation and the education committee appreciates his willingness to share his research and expertise. We are hopeful that Stan will help us improve our outreach to the people of West Virginia!

Categories: Member News